Writing in K-8 PDE3

Kākau Mea Nui (Writing Matters) Project

Writing Process PDE 3 Course Syllabus

What is the writing process? What are the writing traits? How can the writing process and writing traits inform current instruction and support literacy development? These are just a few of the questions we will address in the Kakau Mea Nui – Writing Process PDE 3 course this year. The purpose of this course is to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the writing process and develop the writing traits. Based on a collaborative writing theory, this course will model best practice strategies for incorporating a process-based approach to writing and ways to differentiate writing instruction to for diverse learners.

After taking this course, participants will be able to…

  • Explain the writing process and the writing traits.

  • Explain how a process-based approach improves the quality of student writing.

  • Incorporate research-based strategies in writing instruction.

  • Differentiate the writing strategies and activities for diverse learners.

  • Design and employ rubrics to evaluate student writing.

Required Texts

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade Teachers

Culham, Ruth. 6+1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide for the Primary Grades. New York: Scholastic, 2005. Print.

3rd – 8th Grade Teachers

Culham, Ruth. 6+1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide for Grades 3 and Up. New York: Scholastic, 2003. Print.

In addition to short readings from the required text, the instructors will provide supplementary articles and handouts as the course progresses.

Required Materials

Please bring the following materials to each class meeting:

  • Notebook or paper

  • Pen or pencil

  • Copies of assigned reading and course textbook

  • Completed reading responses

  • Mini-lesson plans, reflective analysis, and student samples (as appropriate)


Because this class is discussion based, and because participants will be working collaboratively most of the time, regular attendance is critical in this course.

Course Schedule

Class 1 – September – Course Introduction


  • Elements of quality writing

  • Overview of the writing process and writing traits

  • Syllabus and course expectations

K-2 Reading for Next Class

  • Teaching Writing, Ch. 1, p. 21-29

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 3, p. 66-68

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 4, p. 100-102

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 5, p. 134-138

Grades 3-8 Reading for Next Class

  • Teaching Writing, Ch. 1, p. 21-29

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 2, p. 33-40

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 3, p. 68-76

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 4, p. 100-109


  • Reading Response #1

Class 2 – October – Collaboration in Process Classrooms


  • Collaborative writing

  • Writing process – prewriting and drafting

  • Writing traits – ideas, organization, and voice

K-2 Reading for Next Class

  • Teaching Writing, Ch. 4, p. 74-92

  • The Art of Teaching Writing, Ch. 14, p. 231-246

Grades 3-8 Reading for Next Class

  • Teaching Writing, Ch. 4, p. 74-92

  • The Art of Teaching Writing, Ch. 14, p. 231-246


  • Reading Response #2

  • Mini-lesson #1

  • Action Research Reflection #1

Class 3 – November – Conferencing in Process Classrooms


  • Writing conferences

  • Methods for assessing student writing

K-2 Reading for Next Class

  • Revising Writing – Handout

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 6, p. 170-173

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 7, p. 204-208

Grades 3-8 Reading for Next Class

  • Revising Writing – Handout

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 5, p. 139-147

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 6, p. 176-183


  • Reading Response #3

  • Mini-lesson #2

  • Action Research Reflection #2

Class 4 – January – Re-visioning Writing


  • Writing process – revising

  • Writing traits – word choice and sentence fluency

K-2 Reading for Next Class

  • The Art of Teaching Writing, Ch. 18, p. 287-309

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 8, p. 240-244

Grades 3-8 Reading for Next Class

  • The Art of Teaching Writing, Ch. 18, p. 287-309

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 7, p. 212-225


  • Reading Response #4

  • Mini-lesson #3

  • Action Research Reflection #3

  • Writing Intensive Unit Plan

  • Reflective Essay

Class 5 – February – Polishing


  • Writing process – editing

  • Writing traits – conventions

K-2 Reading for Next Class

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 9, p. 274-277

Grades 3-8 Reading for Next Class

  • 6+1 Traits of Writing, Ch. 8, p. 247-250


  • Reading Response #5

  • Mini-lesson #4

  • Action Research Reflection #4

  • Writing Intensive Unit Plan

  • Reflective Essay

Class 6 – March – Writing Workshop for Teachers


  • Publishing student work

  • Writing workshop


  • Complete missing assignments

  • Complete unit plan and analysis

  • Compile and return portfolio

Portfolio Requirements

At the end of the course, participants will compile a portfolio that demonstrates solid understanding of the writing process, the writing traits, and how to incorporate process-based writing instruction into praxis. Each item in the portfolio requires a caption that tells what each document is, why it is evidence of learning that has taken place in the course, and what it shows.

  1. Five Reading Responses

  1. Four mini-lessons with Action Research Reflection

    • Lesson plan

    • Supplementary documents (as appropriate)

    • Student samples (as appropriate)

    • Action Research Reflection form

  1. One writing intensive unit plan

    • Unit description

    • Lesson plans and/or mini-lessons for the unit

    • Supplementary documents

    • 3 student portfolio samples with teacher feedback

  1. Reflective essay

  1. Reflective essay writing process documentation

    • Prewriting

    • Rough draft

    • Revision with peer comments

    • Final draft