About Me

Welcome to the professional website for Meghan Whitfield.

I am a doctoral student in Language, Literacy and Culture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

I completed my MA in English at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and a double BA in English and Professional Technical Writing at University of Arkansas Little Rock.

I specialize in children's and young adult literature, focusing on visual rhetoric in picture books. I am particularly interested in the representation of social movements and protest in children's literature. As part of this work, I regularly read and review children's and young adult literature, which are located on my What We're Reading blog page. 

I worked as a children's services library associate for several years where I taught a young writer's workshop (for children 5-12 years old), STEM Book Club (for children 6-10), and story time programs for families. I also served as the liaison for the local Head Start program. In this capacity, I taught story time classes each week for Head Start students and provided early literacy support for families in the program. I am personally and professionally invested in education for social justice. For more information, please see my early literacy portfolio page. 

My university teaching includes composition courses themed around literacy and education; advanced research and technical writing; and literature courses focused on fantasy and science fiction. For more information, please see my teaching portfolio page. 

When I am not working, I enjoy traveling, hiking, baking, and spending time with my family. I currently live in Massachusetts with my partner and our dog, Fitz the Wonder Whoodle. All of the photos on this website were taken during my travels.

Feel free to contact me:

Email: mewhitfield@umass.edu

LinkedIn: Meghan Whitfield

Instagram: @FitztheWonderWhoodle